1 October 2020 By Provident Lawyers
To our valuable clients, friends and colleagues.
For the past six months, we’ve been searching for the ideal location and are happy to tell everyone that we’ve finally found a new ‘home’.
It is with great anticipation and pleasure for me to announce that Provident Lawyers has relocated to a more comfortable and spacious office location at Level 1, The Grosvenor, 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000. This is close to the corner of St Georges Terrace and Victoria Avenue and is easily accessible by car and public transport. Convenient parking can be found a short walk away at the City of Perth Parking facilities under the Perth Concert Hall or along Terrace Road.
We have also taken the opportunity to upgrade our phone system and our post office box.
Our new office number is +61(8) 6331 1000 and our new mailing address is:
Provident Lawyers
PO Box Z5200
Please update our details on your records.
Our primary email address will remain the same, being [email protected] and all individual emails will also remain unchanged.
In conjunction with our office move we have implemented new technology which will allow us to communicate more easily with you. This includes direct dial telephone lines and client portals for secure electronic transmission of documents. We have also taken steps to move to paperless operation for most of our matters and have the capability to work remotely if circumstances require us to do so. Provident Lawyers is certain that these initiatives will be of value to our clients, our staff members and the environment in the long term.
I also take this moment to thank you for your loyal business and support. They are the main reasons why we have grown over the years and we are grateful to have the opportunity to assist you. We look forward to seeing you again at our new offices.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning our new location or our services.
Best regards,
Provident Lawyers